Offer to Sell

Softwood Lumber
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Title Date Company Name State Offer ID
Pond pine 2x4  12/06/24 High Desert Lumber, LLC CA 900155
Pine roof boards   11/30/24 Pat & Kyle reclaimed wood MN 900141
Rough cut 2x4s   11/30/24 Pat & Kyle reclaimed wood MN 900140
White Pine Beams (all sizes)  11/26/24 Murdock Building Co & Portable Sawmill NC 900133
4/4 and 8/4 Leyland Cypress 2500bdft  11/26/24 Murdock Building Co & Portable Sawmill NC 900130
4/4 and 8/4 Juniper, 5000 ft  11/26/24 Murdock Building Co & Portable Sawmill NC 900129