Offer to Sell

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Services (0)

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Reclaimed Building Materials (10)
Hand Hewn Oak Beams and mantels
4,000 s/f of Bleacher board
Yard Liquidation
Naily Roof Board 1x6x16' Pine 2000 plus b/f
Reclaimed Yellow and Heart Pine Boards

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Hardwood Lumber (4)
Exotic Yellowheart 1 & 2, FAS 600bf unmilled
Hardwood Angelwood T&G Reclaimed 50,000 b/f +
4/4 FEQ Rift European White Oak / 322 bf
100,000 b/f plus hardwood reclaimed T&G bonalim

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Softwood Lumber (4)
5/4 x 8 x8-16' Western Red Cedar Rabbetted $.39 LF
2x8x16 Doug fir
18,400 bd.ft. Doug Fir-- Beams, Posts, Joists ect.
Pine barn beams 8x8 & 6x8 rough sawn

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Milled Lumber / Lumber for construction (4)
2x8x16 Doug fir
PRIMED, 1 X 3.5" FJ -12 FT, T&G, PATTERN 122,N.GAP
8/4 FAS Sassafras 8'-12'

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Wood Components (0)

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Plywood & Veneer (1)
1/4” 4x8 sheets tempered hardwood

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Engineered Wood Products (1)
1/4” 4x8 sheets tempered hardwood

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Other Wood Products (4)
4' Hardwood Beams
Hardwood Angelwood T&G Reclaimed 50,000 b/f +
Farmed White Pine greyboard
100,000 b/f plus hardwood reclaimed T&G bonalim

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Logs (0)

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Flooring (3)
1/4” 4x8 sheets tempered hardwood
1X6X16, 1X8X16 Beech
new heartpine flooring

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Wood Waste (0)

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For Woodworkers (0)

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Reclaimed Wood (23)
Pine Bead Board
Reclaimed Douglas fir Sawn Beams
3,000 sq ft of Bleacher board ,Fir
Reclaimed 3x Joists
Hardwood Angelwood T&G Reclaimed 50,000 b/f +

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