Engineered Wood Products
Request-For-Quotes (RFQs) from Buyers: Offers To Sell (OTS) from Sellers:
9 Open RFQs
cntrs Masonite Hardboard
3/31/22Pozzallo Port, Sicali, Italy.
100m3/mnth OSB
9/21/21CIF Nearest Port
25-50 Sheets 1/8'' Masonite Tempered 2S
8/04/21Gibsonville, NC
25-50 Sheets 1/4'' Pegboard Tempered Two Sides
8/03/21Gibsonville, NC
Up to FTL 1/4" MDF
7/19/21FOB Supplier
1,500 pcs MDF 1/4'' x 23-5/8'' x 46''
6/29/21FOB Supplier
Truckload 3/4" 4 x 8 MDF
4/06/21FOB Supplier
Truckloads OSB Monthly 7/16
10/26/20FOB Supplier
T/Ls OSB 4x8 7/16 & 23/32
10/21/20FOB Supplier
0 Open OTS

Please Note that all OTS expire automatically after 30 days.