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Knoxville , TN

  • American Beech
  • American Chestnut
  • Butternut
  • Cherry
  • Cottonwood
  • Cypress
  • Eastern Red/Aromatic Cedar
  • Eastern White Pine
  • Elm
  • Figured Maple
  • Hackberry
  • Hard (unselected for color) Maple
  • Hard (white) Maple
  • Hem-Fir
  • Holly
  • Ironwood Hophornbeam
  • Locust
  • Longleaf Heart Pine
  • Magnolia
  • Mixed Hardwoods
  • Osage Orange
  • Paulownia
  • Pecan Hickory
  • Persimmon
  • Red (Heartwood) Gum
  • Red Oak
  • Red, Quartered / Rift Oak
  • Sap / Sweet (Unselected for color) Gum
  • Sassafras
  • Soft (WHAD) Maple
  • Soft (WHND) Maple
  • Southern Yellow Pine
  • Sycamore
  • True Hickory
  • Tulipwood Poplar
  • Tupelo / Black Gum
  • Walnut
  • White Ash
  • White Oak
  • White, Quartered / Rift Oak
  • Willow
  • Yellow Buckeye
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  • Air Dried, Rough Lumber
  • Chips
  • Crossties (Sleepers)
  • Custom Milling
  • Cut-to-size blanks
  • Dimension (2"-4")
  • Fencing
  • Green, Rough Lumber
  • Pallet Parts
  • Sawdust
  • Sawing
  • Sawlogs
  • Softwood Boards
  • Squares-solid
  • Timbers / Thick Stock (5"+)
  • Veneer Logs
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  • Custom Sawing
  • Log Brokers, Traders & Exporters
  • Loggers
  • Logging
  • Timberland Owner
  • Transportation
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