Copper River Reclaimed
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  Species List
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  Business Types


merrill, WI

  • Big leaf/Oregon/Western Maple
  • Black Ash
  • Douglas Fir
  • Eastern White Pine
  • Elm
  • Engelmann Spruce
  • Hard (unselected for color) Maple
  • Hard (white) Maple
  • Hem-Fir
  • Hem-Tam
  • Longleaf Heart Pine
  • Mixed Hardwoods
  • Red Oak
  • Red Pine
  • S-P-F
  • White Ash
  • White Oak
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  • Air Dried, Rough Lumber
  • Barnwood
  • Custom Milling
  • Cut stock
  • Cut-to-size blanks
  • Hand Hewn Beams
  • Kiln Dried, Rough Lumber
  • Kiln Drying
  • Log Home Logs
  • Prefinished Flooring
  • Reclaimed & Salvaged Lumber
  • Reclaimed Flooring
  • Reclaimed Timbers & Beams
  • Sawing
  • Sawlogs
  • Stair Parts
  • Unfinished Flooring
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  • Wholesale Distribution Yards
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