Wood Wanted
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Wood Waste [Post Wood Wanted]
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Title Buyer Delivery To/FOB Date RFQ ID
cntrs Eucalyptus grandis Wood Chips Other Port Goa, India 08/05/2024 790425
30,000bdmt/month Wood Chips Other Port Wuhan, china 01/22/2024 789421
cntrs Pine Wood Chips Other Por tTieshan Port, China 01/09/2024 789409
30,000bdmt/mnth Eucalyptus Pulp/Paper Chips Other Ports Quanzhou or Zhangzhou, China 10/15/2023 769349
Large Qty Wood Chips Other Port Mangalore, India 09/20/2023 769335
cntrs Pine Wood Chips Pulp/Paper Other Port Longkou, China 02/02/2023 748093
25 t/ls Hardwood Bark Cabinet Mfctr QC 08/31/2022 727883
1000mt/month Wood Chips Sri Lanka 06/01/2022 727753
cntrs Eucalyptus Wood Chips Other Mumbai Port,India 04/20/2022 707633
2000MT Softwood Pulp Reseller FOB Supplier 03/23/2022 687557
Monthly Shipments Pine Pulp & Paper Grade Woodchips Other Port Rizhao, China 11/09/2021 687253
30,000-50,000 bdmt Monthly Pine Wood Chips Pulp Grade Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 11/02/2021 687225
35,000 bdmt Monthly Pine & Eucalyptus Wood Chips Pulp & Paper Grade Other FOB Shippers Port 11/02/2021 687221
35,000 bdmt Monthly Pine Wood Chips Pulp & Paper Grade Other Port Taicang, China 10/22/2021 687203
Bulk Vessels Pine & Eucalyptus Paper/Pulp Grade Chips Other Qingdao or Xiamen China 08/09/2021 667059
30,000 bdmt Eucalyptus and/or Acacia Wood Chips Pulp/Paper Grade Other Port Weifang, China 07/21/2021 662419
34,000 BDMT Monthly Hardwood Chips for MDF Production Other FOB Supplier 07/12/2021 642407
20,000 bdft Monthly Pine Wood Chips Pulp Grade Other Base Turkey Port 05/18/2021 622303
Full Vessel Monthly Wood Chips standard Paper Specifications Other Port Rizhao, China 04/19/2021 622239
6,500 tons Hardwood or Hard & Softwood Mix Sawdust for Boiler System Broker/Import/Export Virginia USA 04/12/2021 602235
T/Ls Ground Wood Chips No Pallets, Bark, Leaves or Twigs 1.5" Minus Reseller FOB Supplier 03/24/2021 582185
30,000 BDMT Monthly Eucalyptus Wood Chips Pulp/Paper/Board Grade Other Maanshan port, Anhui Province, China 03/08/2021 582113
Bulk Vessels Pine Woodchips Pulp, Paper & MDF Grade Other CIF Zhangzhou Port, China 01/13/2021 561941
Bulk Vessel Monthly Any Species Wood Chips or Sawdust for Fuel Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 11/09/2020 541757
T/Ls Wood Chips AD for Compost Broker/Import/Export Kuwait 09/14/2020 541591
1,000 MT Hickory, Mesquite Wood Chips Bio Fuel Grade Broker/Import/Export CIF Hamburg Germany 09/09/2020 521583
Bulk Vessels Monthly Eucalyptus Pulp Grade Woodchips Standard Size & MC Broker/Import/Export China Base Ports 09/04/2020 521569
10x40' Cntrs Pine Wood Chips Broker/Import/Export Ports Ningbo & Shanghai, China 09/02/2020 521565
Cntrs Pine Sawdust or Wood Shavings for Livestock Bedding MC Max 12% Broker/Import/Export Poet Kwangyang, Korea 08/18/2020 521525
30,000 bdmt Monthly Eucalyptus Woodchips Grandis Preferred MDF Grade Broker/Import/Export To nearest Port 08/10/2020 521509
2,000 Lbs Hardwood Chips for Smoking Meat Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 07/07/2020 521437
20,000-60,000 Tonnes Monthly Wood Chips for Fuel Broker/Import/Export CIF Szczecin Gdinya 06/25/2020 521415
NOTE: WoodPlanet does NOT broker the transaction or take a commission. Buyers and sellers work together to finalize all purchases and sales.