Wood Wanted
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Wood Components [Post Wood Wanted]
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Title Buyer Delivery To/FOB Date RFQ ID
~40,000pcs Cut to Size Manufacturer Southern US 08/20/2024 790437
t/l 4mm Lamellas/faces for Engineered WO Flooring Manufacturer Midwest US 04/29/2024 789489
Hardwood Squares, Dowel or Billets Manufacturer FOB Supplier 10/22/2023 769355
200pcs Maple, Birch Baseball Bat Billets Homeowner/Individual FOB Supplier 06/29/2023 769255
Hardwood Blanks 4x4x12 Manufacturer CO 04/20/2023 768217
50,000MT/mnth Pine Wood Pellets Other Port Hamburg. Germany 12/02/2022 747991
25,000 m3 tons/mo Wood Pellets EN + A1 Other Polish Seaports 08/04/2022 727853
25pcs trial Hardwood Squares Other Memphis, Tn 07/07/2022 727801
2x40'cntr Aromatic Red Cedar Squares Other FOB Supplier 05/27/2022 727743
cntrs Wood Pellet Other FOB Supplier 04/18/2022 707615
300pcs/month Cut to Size Squares Reseller Missouri City, TX 04/18/2022 707609
15 cntrs/mnth Pine Sticks Other Pozzallo Port, Sicali, Italy. 03/31/2022 687573
5,000-15,000 pcs Hardwood Cut to Size KD 1-1/16''x1.5''x16'' or 24'' Manufacturer FOB Supplier 02/23/2022 687505
4,600 bdft Alder Edge Glued Panels Solid & FJ 20.5mm Clear no Defects Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 08/30/2021 687085
40-60cntrs Aromatic Red Cedar Blanks or Lumber Other FOB Supplier 05/26/2021 622319
55,000 SPF Wedges & Planks AST Treated or KD Other To nearest Port 04/28/2021 622269
T/L Hardwood Shoe Molding Premium Grade Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 03/23/2021 582183
1,800 pcs Hardwood Turning Blanks KD 2x2x12 Clear Woodworker FOB supplier 12/22/2020 561877
Cntrs Wallnut Lumber Cut to Size Blanks KD Rough 8/4 & 10/4 Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 09/14/2020 541599
1850 Walnut Gunstock Blanks KD 10-12% Max Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 08/05/2020 521495
Cntr Balsa Lumber Glued Blocks 6"-34" x 24-3/4" Broker/Import/Export To nearest Port 07/21/2020 521473
100 pcs Baltic Birch Plywood Components Exterior Glue 3/4" Rounded Edges Manufacturer FOB Supplier 06/19/2020 521403
NOTE: WoodPlanet does NOT broker the transaction or take a commission. Buyers and sellers work together to finalize all purchases and sales.