Wood Wanted
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Reclaimed Wood [Post Wood Wanted]
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Title Buyer Delivery To/FOB Date RFQ ID
2000bf Reclaimed Softwood Barn Siding Gray Lumber Yard/Retail IL 02/11/2025 792477
1100bf Reclaimed Mixed Oak 1x12 Lumber Yard/Retail IL 02/10/2025 792473
3,000bf Reclaimed T&G Maple Factory Flooring Wholesaler MA 01/27/2025 792457
16,000bf Antique Eastern White Pine Beams Lumber Yard/Retail IL 01/27/2025 792455
600-2000sqft Wide Reclaimed Hemlock/Pine Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 01/22/2025 792449
Full Hand Hewn Barn Frame Any Species Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 10/25/2024 792369
600sqft Reclaimed White Pine Wide Plank Flooring Reseller FOB Supplier 10/22/2024 792357
t/l Threshing Floor Boards 10"+ Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 10/22/2024 792355
3000sqft+ Reclaimed Factory Flooring 4-6 Manufacturer FOB Supplier 10/15/2024 792351
8000bf HW Reclaimed Barn Timbers Wholesaler Midwest US 10/10/2024 790429
207pcs Shiplap Barn Siding 12" Homeowner/Individual CT 10/09/2024 792345
12,000bf Reclaimed Beech or Maple 10 Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 09/13/2024 791399
35pcs Reclaimed or Antique White Oak Timbers 12x12 FOB Supplier 09/01/2024 790445
95pcs Resawn Reclaimed Western Red Cedar Joists Lumber Yard/Retail Northeast US 08/20/2024 790435
t/ls Reclaimed Red Cedar Utility Poiles Lumber Yard/Retail Northeast US 08/16/2024 790433
t/ls Barnwood 4/4, 8/4 Mixed Hardwood Midwest US 06/21/2024 790401
4,000ft Reclaimed White Oak Manufacturer Southern US 05/21/2024 789509
2000bf KD Rough Maple Flooring Mfctr FOB Supplier 05/08/2024 789503
t/l Reclaimed Oak 1x, 2x6"+ Wholesaler FOB Supplier 04/29/2024 789481
t/ls Reclaimed Heart Pine Timbers/Joists Wholesaler AL 04/11/2024 789471
up to t/l Hand Hewn Beams 12'+ Lumber Yard/Retail PA 01/17/2024 789415
t/l Oak Threshing 11 Lumber Yard/Retail PA 01/17/2024 789413
6000sqft White Pine Siding 10 Homeowner/Individual FOB Supplier 01/05/2024 789405
up to t/l Threshing Floor Boards FOB Supplier 12/13/2023 789391
3000bf Reclaimed White Oak 4/4x8-9 KY 12/12/2023 789387
3000bf Reclaimed White Oak 4/4 Blanks Flooring Mfctr Midwest US 11/29/2023 789371
20,000bf+ Reclaimed Heart Pine 2x Manufacturer FOB Supplier 08/04/2023 769291
1-2t/ls Salvaged Heart Pine Timbers Manufacturer VA 07/26/2023 769287
350sqft Antique Old Growth Hemlock Barnwood Siding Builder/Architect/Contractor Clinton, AR 07/17/2023 769265
2000bf White Pine 1x10"+ Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 07/05/2023 769259
Any Qty Reclaimed Mixed Oak Manufacturer ID 06/19/2023 769247
5pcs Reclaimed Timbers 10 or 12" Homeowner/Individual TN 06/15/2023 769237
LTL or TL Original Barn 8/4 Joists Wholesaler OH 06/15/2023 769241
20,000bf Reclaimed Roughsawn Softwoods Wholesaler OH 06/15/2023 769235
12,000bf+ 2 Sided Hewn Timbers Wholesaler OH 06/15/2023 769233
34pcs Reclaimed Hand Hewn Oak Beams Lumber Yard/Retail IL 06/13/2023 769231
1500-2000bf Antique Heart Pine S2S Lumber Yard/Retail MA 05/31/2023 769225
LTL Mixed Hardwood Hand Hewn Beams 12-18' Wholesaler OH 05/12/2023 768247
Any Qty Heart Pine Timbers or Decking Wholesaler FOB Supplier 04/04/2023 748195
660pc Reclaimed Beams Flooring Mfctr FOB Supplier 04/03/2023 748189
20,000sf Reclaimed Weathered Grey Siding Flooring Mfctr FOB Supplier 04/03/2023 748187
3000bf Rough Sawn Pine Barn Beams Lumber Yard/Retail IL 03/24/2023 748179
2000bf Pine Barnwood Reseller TN 03/23/2023 748177
t/l Reclaimed Brown Barn Board Wholesaler ON 03/13/2023 748163
1000sqft Reclaimed Circle Sawn Flooring RW Homeowner/Individual FOB Supplier 02/28/2023 748129
~70pc Reclaimed Rough Sawn Pine 8x8 Lumber Yard/Retail IL 02/14/2023 748113
20+pcs Reclaimed Doug Fir Beams, Timbers Builder/Architect/Contractor CT 01/25/2023 748071
15,00bf Reclaimed Hemlock Manufacturer FOB Supplier 12/22/2022 748021
3256sqft Barn Wood Siding Builder/Architect/Contractor TX 12/22/2022 748023
t/ls Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring Mfctr FOB Supplier 12/16/2022 748015
6000bf Reclaimed Oak 4/4x6-1/2+ Furniture Mfctr FOB Supplier 11/07/2022 747967
t/l Reclaimed Barn board Brown/Grey 1x Flooring Mfctr UK 11/03/2022 747961
32pc Reclaimed Pine 4x12x22 Lumber Yard/Retail IL 10/14/2022 747939
t/l Mixed Hardwood Hand Hewn Beams Other FOB Supplier 09/28/2022 747925
tls Heartpine Timbers & Decking Wholesaler AL 09/13/2022 747903
19pcs Handhewn Beams Manufacturer MI 09/09/2022 727899
5000sqft/month Antique Pine Beanboard Homeowner/Individual GA 09/05/2022 727893
Reclaimed 6x12x12 Wholesaler MA 09/02/2022 727889
2000-3000bf Reclaimed Antique Heart Pine 4/4 x 7"+ Manufacturer GA 07/21/2022 727825
180sf Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring Flooring Mfctr FOB Supplier 07/08/2022 727805
3000sf Reclaimed Softwood Grey Siding Manufacturer FOB Supplier 06/24/2022 727785
7500sf Reclaimed Softwood Naily Roof Boards Manufacturer Waco, TX 06/24/2022 727783
ptl Reclaimed White Oak 4/4, Joists Manufacturer NC 06/21/2022 727773
up to t/l Reclaimed Hand Hewn Beams Manufacturer Waco, TX 05/11/2022 707699
1000bf Reclaimed Elm Wholesaler Brooklyn, NY 05/03/2022 707643
6-8,000bf Reclaimed Brown Patina Poplar reclaimed flooring and cladding Appleton, WI 54915 04/13/2022 687605
16,000bf Chestnut 4/4, 8/4 We use for materials for making paneling Big island , VA 24526 04/11/2022 687603
40,000bf Reclaimed Rough Brown Softwoods Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 04/08/2022 687599
t/l Reclaimed Doug Fir Timbers Wholesaler FOB Supplier 04/07/2022 687583
15000bf Reclaimed Hemlock Beams or Sleepers Reseller MD 03/23/2022 687551
8pcs Reclaimed Doug Fir Timbers FOB Supplier 03/18/2022 687553
600lf Hand Hewn Beam Skins Lumber Yard/Retail IL0 03/15/2022 687543
t/ls Reclaimed Industrial Joists 3x9-12" Wholesaler OH 03/03/2022 687525
t/ls Reclaimed Barn Joists Wholesaler OH 03/03/2022 687523
T/L Softwood Reclaimed Hand Hewn Beams Larger Girths and Minimum 12' Long Reseller FOB Supplier 02/24/2022 687507
18 Hand Hewn Reclaimed Beams Any Species Non Structural Flooring Mfctr FOB Supplier 02/15/2022 687485
Up to FTL Grey Oak Reclaimed Siding 6'' & Wider FOB Supplier 02/04/2022 687459
T/L Reclaimed Grey Corral and Wind Fence Board 1x, 2x Wholesaler FOB Supplier 02/03/2022 687445
25,000 bdft Douglas Fir Reclaimed Timbers 8X8, 10X10, 12X12 Wholesaler FOB Supplier 02/02/2022 687447
15 or More Wormy Chestnut Reclaimed 2x6+ Must be 9' or Longer Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 01/20/2022 687407
10,000-15,000 bdft Reclaimed Oak Lumber 4/4 & 8/4 Original Surface Manufacturer FOB Supplier 01/18/2022 687401
1,000-2,500 bdft Monthly Reclaimed Lumber Hardwood or Softwood 2" Thick Furniture Mfctr FOB Supplier 01/18/2022 687399
10,000 bdft Chestnut Reclaimed Lumber 4/4, 4x4, 6x6 Distributor FOB Supplier 01/13/2022 687393
T/L Chestnut Reclaimed Lumber Any Thickness Original Face RWL Wholesaler FOB Supplier 12/28/2021 687351
T/L White Oak Reclaimed Lumber Circle Sawn Any Size(s) Wholesaler FOB Supplier 12/10/2021 687323
~2,000 bdft Reclaimed Timbers White Pine Preferred 6x8 & 8x8 Builder/Architect/Contractor FOB Supplier 12/09/2021 687317
T/Ls Reclaimed Mushroom Wood Wholesaler FOB Supplier 12/09/2021 687319
2,000-10,000 bdft Reclaimed Hardwoods 1''-3''x7.5'' or Wider FOB Supplier 12/06/2021 687305
1,000 bdft White Oak Lumber New or Reclaimed KD/AD Rough 4/4 Character or Rustic Grade Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 12/02/2021 687301
9 Oak Reclaimed Beams Sawn Preferred 10x10 x 20' or Larger Distributor FOB Supplier 11/22/2021 687283
Up to FTL Reclaimed Lumber Timbers, 1x Manufacturer FOB Supplier 11/15/2021 687271
14 Oak Reclaimed Beams Sawn 4S 10x10 x 20' Distributor FOB Supplier 11/12/2021 687259
FTL Softwood REclaimed BArnboard 1'' & 2'' Woodworker FOB Supplier 11/05/2021 687241
~6,000 bdft Spruce Reclaimed Joists 2x Brown Patina Wholesaler FOB Supplier 11/02/2021 687231
5,000 or More sqft Reclaimed Fence Oak Flooring Skip Planed 5'' Wholesaler FOB Supplier 10/26/2021 687211
~1,000 bdft Reclaimed Roof Boards or Naily Boards Hardwood or Softwood Manufacturer FOB Supplier 10/20/2021 687199
2000sf/mnth 1x6 Reclaimed Oak Fence Boards Reseller PA 09/24/2021 687143
2 or 3 Reclaimed Beams Roughsawn 6''x12'' to 12''x12'' Reseller FOB Supplier 09/10/2021 687105
2,000-10,000 bdft Hardwood Reclaimed Lumber No Paint Original Patina 1'' to 4'' x 7.5'' & Wider Flooring FOB Supplier 09/07/2021 687097
400 Lineal Feet Reclaimed Circle Sawn Beams or Joists 4x8 or Wider Hardwood Preferred Must All Match Wholesaler FOB Supplier 08/26/2021 687081
T/L Softwood Reclaimed Industrial/Factory Lumber 3" Thick Wholesaler FOB Supplier 07/23/2021 662423
T/L Hardwood Reclaimed Barnwood 4/4 & 8/4 Wholesaler FOB Supplier 07/22/2021 662421
10,000-12,000 bdft Salvaged/Reclaimed Old Growth Cypress 4/4, 8/4 Flooring Mfctr FOB Supplier 07/19/2021 662411
1/2 T/L Oak Reclaimed Lumber 6x6 & 4x6 FOB Supplier 06/24/2021 642375
10,000sf Reclaimed Maple Gym Floor Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 05/27/2021 622331
T/Ls Reclaimed Brown Hardwoods 4/4 & 8/4 FOB Supplier 05/26/2021 622325
2200bf Reclaimed White Oak 5/4-2.5" Manufacturer FOB Supplier 05/25/2021 622315
T/Ls Reclaimed Barn Siding Weathered Grey Pine or Other Softwood Any Width Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 05/18/2021 622299
15 Hardwood or Softwood saw Cut Reclaimed Beams 6''x10'' Woodworker FOB Supplier 05/12/2021 622293
T/L Whie Oak Reclaimed Hand Hewn Timbers 8x8 to 12x12 Wholesaler FOB Supplier 05/12/2021 622291
Up to FTL Softwood Reclaimed 2x8 Woodworker FOB Supplier 05/06/2021 622285
T/L or More Reclaimed Fir Rafters & Joists 2x10 Plus Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 05/04/2021 622279
T/Ls Brown Softwood Reclaimed Lumber Rafters & Joists Preferred 2x & 3x Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 05/03/2021 622277
1750 sqft Reclaimed Threshing Floor Builder/Architect/Contractor FOB Supplier 04/20/2021 622241
1,000 bdft or more White Oak Reclaimed Lumber 1x & 2x Original Face or Resawn Manufacturer FOB Supplier 03/29/2021 602191
20,000 bdft Oak Reclaimed Lumber Original Surface 4/4 & 8/4 Floor Grade Wholesaler FOB Supplier 03/26/2021 602189
2,000 bdft or More Hardwood Reclaimed Barnwood T&G KD 5/8 or 3/4 Inch Manufacturer Milwaukie OR 03/22/2021 582181
~5,700 bdft Douglas Fir Reclaimed Beams Rough Sawn 12x12 Reseller FOB Supplier 03/15/2021 582151
80 Linft Reclaimed Beams Approx 7.33 x 12 Inches Builder/Architect/Contractor FOB Supplier 03/02/2021 582087
24,000 bdft Reclaimed Hardwood Lumber Under 12/4 Thick Manufacturer FOB Supplier 03/02/2021 582091
20 or More Any Species Hand Hewn Reclaimed Beams 10x10x23' All Similar Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 02/22/2021 562055
12,000+ bdft Grey Reclaimed Barn Siding 5 inches or Wider Manufacturer FOB Supplier 02/11/2021 562025
Up to T/L Any Softwood Reclaimed Joists 2" & 3" Woodworker FOB Supplier 02/05/2021 562013
T/L Reclaimed Grey Barnwood 4/4 Reseller FOB Supplier 02/04/2021 562011
3,500 sqft Reclaimed Dutchlap Barn Siding with Faded White Paint Distributor FOB Supplier 02/03/2021 562009
10,000-12,000 bdft Pine or Douglas Fir Reclaimed Timbers 10x12 Inches or Larger Wood floors and beams FOB Supplier 01/13/2021 561943
Monthly Truckloads Reclaimed Lumber Mixed Species & Sizes OK Manufacturer FOB Supplier 01/08/2021 561923
T/Ls Whitewood Reclaimed Industrial Joists 2or 3 Inch x 9-12 Inch Wholesaler FOB Supplier 01/08/2021 561921
T/L Reclaimed Softwood Lumber KD S4S 1x6 & 8 Equivalent to #2Com Manufacturer FOB Supplier 01/07/2021 561919
T/L Softwood Reclaimed Joists 2x & 3x Woodworker Perkasie PA 12/29/2020 561887
4 Softwood Reclaimed Beams Sawn 8x8x12'-14' Clean Manufacturer FOB Supplier 12/28/2020 561885
1,500 bdft Chestnut Reclaimed Lumber 2x Manufacturer FOB Supplier 12/18/2020 561861
10,000 bdft Mixed Oak Reclaimed Lumber 1x & 2x 12" & Wider Denailed Millwork Lynchburg VA 12/17/2020 561853
12,000 bdft #1 Heartpine Reclaimed Beams 13x15 Manufacturer FOB Supplier 12/10/2020 541845
T/Ls Douglas Fir Reclaimed Rough Sawn Timbers Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 12/01/2020 541821
5,000 Linft Reclaimed Truck Decking Grade A Wholesaler FOB Supplier 12/01/2020 541819
500-1,000 bdft Heartpine Reclaimed Lumber Beams or 1x Millwork FOB Supplier 11/19/2020 541797
100,000 bdt Any Species Reclaimed Decking Any Sizes #1 Grade Manufacturer FOB Supplier 11/10/2020 541767
2,400 bdft Antique Heartpine Floor joists 2x6"-8" Reseller Michigan 11/10/2020 541769
3,000 bdft Oak Reclaimed Lumber 4/4 or 8/4 8" & Wider Original Face Millwork FOB Supplier 10/09/2020 541669
T/Ls Oak Reclaimed Lumber & Beams Circle Sawn Broker/Import/Export FOB Supplier 09/23/2020 541623
T/L Dirty Top Heartpine Reclaimed Lumber Any Size Manufacturer FOB Supplier 09/22/2020 541619
1,500 sqft Reclaimed Douglas Fir Lumber T&G 5/4 Homeowner/Individual FOB Supplier 09/08/2020 521571
12,000-15,000 bdft Douglas Fir Reclaimed Lumber 3x10 Rough Brown Manufacturer FOB Supplier 09/02/2020 521531
3,000 sqft White Oak New or Reclaimed Lumber Circle Sawn KD 4/4x10 Woodworker FOB Supplier 08/28/2020 521553
~1,300 sqft Thick Reclaimed Lumber with Original T&G for Flooring Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 08/24/2020 521539
One or More T/Ls Oak Reclaimed Tier Rails 3x4 or 4x4 Manufacturer FOB Supplier 08/11/2020 521515
500 bdft White Oak Reclaimed Lumber Full 2" or Thicker Reseller FOB Supplier 08/04/2020 521491
2,000 sqft Reclaimed Barn Siding Grey 13/16" or Thicker x 10.5" and Wider Millwork FOB Supplier 07/29/2020 521487
4,000 bdft White Oak Reclaimed Lumber KD 4x12 x 8' or Longer Lumber Yard/Retail FOB Supplier 06/30/2020 521425
1,000-5,000 bdft Hardwood Reclaimed Lumber Wide 4/4x10"-20" Wholesaler FOB Supplier 06/23/2020 521411
NOTE: WoodPlanet does NOT broker the transaction or take a commission. Buyers and sellers work together to finalize all purchases and sales.