Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 764497
Title:15 Old Growth Sinker Logs 40 ft SYP & Douglas Fir
Updated: 09/09/20
Offer Description:
For sale 15- 40 foot sinker logs from Holland tunnel air duct tower support. Sunk in hudson river in 1919, free from nails and unmolested in any way. Virgin 200-300 years old! Perfect flooring, molding , timbers, furniture. Great provenance to add to project. Logs are 15 - 22 inches in diameter at butt end with very little taper. Sold as one lot, f.o.b matawan nj 07747. Direct trucking available east of mississippi. MAKE OFFER. Must sell.

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Minimum OrderLot of 15 logs 40 ft

Seller's Information
Company:jrs4x4parts  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
newark valley, NY
Contact:junior junior
Phone: 6072057978
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