Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 795877
Title:2000 bdft 4/4 Reclaimed Chestnut
Updated: 05/27/21
Offer Description:
2000 BF 4/4 Chestnut Boards and Blanks

50% Re-Claimed wide 6 to 10", thick grey siding and boards, either use for that perfect grey weathered patina look or mill up for flooring, table tops, doors, etc.

50% Resawn 4/4 blanks, 5 to 8", good yield for flooring, kiln drying available.

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Minimum Order2000 BF

Seller's Information
Company:Pennsylvania Barn Company  [supplier profile]
Rating:    Rate this Supplier
Mertztown, PA
Contact:Phil Kelley
Phone: 610-390-3190
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