Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 774732
Title:Antique Heart Pine
Updated: 10/13/20
Offer Description:
#1 Beams: 2 TL's: 6x15x15-20'. Excellent condition. Beautiful dense grain. Bolt holes through the wide face: 2 on each end + 5 in the middle, roughly three feet apart. A lot of "Free of Heart Center." These are good for resaw or as is beam stock. Several Loads of Misc Resaw #1 Beams and Posts: 6x12, 8x12, 8x8, 10x10, etc #2 Beams: Several Loads TL's: 6x15x15-20'. Excellent condition. Beautiful dense grain. Bolt holes through the wide face: 2 on each end + 5 in the middle, roughly three feet apart. A lot of "Free of Heart Center." 8x12x19-20' 8x15x16-20' Several Loads of Misc Resaw #2 Beams: 6x12, 8x12, 8x8, 10x10

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Minimum Order1/2 Truckloads+
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Seller's Information
Company:Southend Reclaimed Vintage Wood & Brick  [supplier profile]
Rating:    Rate this Supplier
Charlotte, NC
Contact:Paul Atkinson
Phone: 7046411705
Please note this is a historical OTS that is no longer actively posted. To contact this seller, please call them directly.

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