Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 753582
Title:Flood Damaged Inventory KD'd & Sanded
Updated: 05/13/20
Offer Description:
Species BF Ash 8,705  Beech 1,393  Braz   816  Dom Cherry 1,350  Khaya 14,429  Mixed wood 5,357  Nargusta 810 Pecan  9,963  Pine 2,946  Poplar 16,492  Red Grandis 9,508  Red Oak  17,938  Santa Maria  744  Sapele 4,273  Soft Maple 9,546  Walnut 1,080  White Oak 2,180  Total 107,530 

Material was in a flood, the kiln dried and sanded. Most items are FAS. May have some discloration on the face but when surfaced the lumber cleans up.

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Seller's Information
Company:Cypress Wood & Lumber LLC  [supplier profile]
Rating:    Rate this Supplier
Maringouin, LA
Contact:David Williams
Phone: 225 625 2396
Please note this is a historical OTS that is no longer actively posted. To contact this seller, please call them directly.

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