Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 795867
Title:Hand Hewn Pine/Hemlock 8x8 up to 40'
Updated: 05/26/21
Offer Description:
Hand Hewn Pine/hemlock mix. Mostly 8x8, some 7x7,7x8,8x9,10x10.10x12,10x14 some 10-16' some 20' -40'and on. upto 50'.2 side 8x12 on ave upto 40'. call for availability and pricing. Thanks.

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Minimum Order4000 bdft

Seller's Information
Company:Geppert Wood Ind.  [supplier profile]
Rating:    Rate this Supplier
Dubois, PA
Contact:Craig Geppert
Phone: 814 553 2578
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