Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 742747
Title:Mixed Hardwoods Cut to Order
Updated: 02/14/20
Offer Description:
4x6x4, 2x8s, large cants, and special sizes also We saw mixed hardwood 2x8s for laminated mats, large cants for mats and 4x6x4 timbers. And will also cut to your specifications as for as thickness, width, and length. We are a small operation compared to some. We sell as we get inventory. For example we just acquired 35 acres that is 75 percent hardwood that we will be starting to saw next week.

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Minimum OrderThis totally depends on price offered and your location

Seller's Information
Company:Formans Sawmill Service  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
Meadville, MS
Contact:Craig Forman
Phone: 6013846727
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