Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 795782
Title:OTS 4/4, 12/4 Rough Sawn Walnut
Updated: 05/07/21
Offer Description:
Approximately 4600 bf 4/4 and 700 bf 12/4 air dried under roof for minimum of ten years. 4/4 random width (4" to 8") and random length (4' to 10") much of which is live edge. The 12/4 material minimum dimension 32"x7" (cut for gun stock material) with larger dimensions up to 8' by 14". Salvage cut from large veneer tree harvest. Also smaller 4/4 and 12/4 crotch pieces. 4/4 $2 bdft 12/4 $4 bdft FOB Dane, WI

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Minimum Order1000 bf 4/4 or 300 bf 12/4. FOB Dane, WI

Seller's Information
Company:Baxter Holdings  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
Contact:James Baxter
Phone: 608 333 5083
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