Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 753872
Title:Red Oak Logs Available
Updated: 06/19/20
Offer Description:
Red Oak Saw and Veneer Grades available Number 1 Veneer (Photos available) Origin Indiana Grade: Veneer 100% Clear 4 Sides Defects: Mineral allowed Veneer logs Mineral Free are available Diameter: 16” (406MM) and larger Length: 8’ (2.46M) and longer Volume: 15 x 40 foot containers per month Fumigate: Available Not included in price Shipment: 40' containers 4000 Doyle Feet 18M3 each FOB Container Indiana Rail Yard Price: $1150M Doyle $254M3

Sawmill Grade (Photos available upon request) Origin: Ohio Grade: Saw Clear 3 & 4 Sides & Clear 2 Sides & Better Diameter: Clear 3 & 4 Sides 14” (356MM) and larger Diameter: Clear 2 Sides & Better 12” (305MM) and larger Length: 8’ (2.46M) and longer Volume: 55 x 40 foot containers per month Fumigate Available ($850.00 per container) De Barking Available ($85,00 per M Doyle $19.00M3) Shipment 40 foot containers 4000 Doyle Feet (18M3) FOB Container Cincinnati, Ohio Price Clear 3 & 4 Sides $990M Doyle ($219M3) Price Clear 2 Sides & Better $890M ($197M3)

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Minimum Order1 x 40 foot container

Seller's Information
Company:Walnut Woods  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
Phone: 816 689 0042
Please note this is a historical OTS that is no longer actively posted. To contact this seller, please call them directly.

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