Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 754137
Title:Richey Barn-Late 1800's
Updated: 07/23/20
Offer Description:
Richey Barn—Late 1800’s Timber frame barn with hand hewn beams, 30’ x 44’. Height to eaves is 13’ and height to the peak from the barn floor is 30’. Total floor area is 1,320 SF. The main timber frame beam sizes are 7” x 7”. SOLD AS IS (OR) TO BE RECONDITIONED to the following specs: 1. Purchase cost from present Owner. 2. Tag the frame prior to dismantle. 3. Measure & Provide CAD drawings showing footprint and placement of beams, 4-exterior elevations, elevations of each Bent frame, and eave and rafter purlin beams. CAD files can be given to Your Designer/ Architect/Engineer to further the finish plan process to your needs. (A preliminary file will be provided upon request to review suitability of layout.) 4. Dismantle, de-nail and return to our shop for re-conditioning. 5. Clean, repair/ replace with like kind as needed on the frame to insure integrity. 6. Heat treatment in kiln to eradicate insects. 7. Enlarge peg holes and provide all new oak pegs. 8. In general have frame ready to re-erect on owner’s site. 9. Shipping by Purchaser/ FOB Flora, IN 46929 Please call for more information and pricing.

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Minimum Orderentire barn

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Seller's Information
Company:Midwest Lumber Company  [supplier profile]
Rating:    Rate this Supplier
Flora, IN
Contact:Denny Kuns
Phone: 765-564-1523
Please note this is a historical OTS that is no longer actively posted. To contact this seller, please call them directly.

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