Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 795698
Title:White Oak Dam Cribbing Over 21,000 bd ft
Updated: 04/19/21
Offer Description:
White oak beams originally used prior to the civil war in a timber crib dam. This dam was in the wahonding river in Ohio. Around 1901 the timber crib dam was tore down to build a concrete dam which was removed in 2020. The timbers from the original dam were laid together as a way to facilitate construction of the new dam and then were incorporated into the base of the new dam. Until 2020 these beams have not seen any sun or weather just been in wet sand. All this information is documented with the Ohio DNR (ODNR), wahonding river canal and historic society, EPA and army core of engineers. Some of this documentation is available upon request. The beams were recovered in rather good shape. I estimate at the bare minimum someone could recover 21,000 bd ft and thats being conservative. Realistically there should be closer to 30,000 bd ft but we are selling as 21,000 to someone who takes the whole pile. Wood is now located in Dilliner PA. Looking for 4$ per bd ft with a fixed footage of 21,000

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Minimum Order21000 BDFT

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Seller's Information
Company:Safeco Environmental Inc.  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
morgantown, WV
Contact:Anthony Jordan
Phone: 3049068602
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