Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 795838
Title:Wormy Chestnut 2 x 6 Rafters Denailed 1,000bf
Updated: 05/21/21
Offer Description:
One bunk (1000 bf) of reclaimed wormy chestnut 2" x 6" rafter stock. Most lengths are 9' and greater with shorter pieces in the middle of the bunk. Metal detected and metal removed. In addition, there are about a dozen pieces of 2 x 4 and 2 x 8 that are not part of the 1000bf. All pieces are very usable. $3/bf

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Minimum Order1000 bf

Seller's Information
Company:Elk Ridge Timbers LLC  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
Yutan, NE
Contact:Randy Henke
Phone: 4023218350
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