Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 775431
Title:Softwood Sawlogs
Updated: 02/22/21
Offer Description:
Species Available Hemlock Spruce Pine (white) Pine {red) Fir

Grading specifications

Prime: 13”, 4 clear faces 14”, 3 clear faces Select: 12”, 4 clear faces 13”, 3 clear faces #1: 11”, 4 clear faces 12”, 3 clear faces 15” and up, 2 clear faces #2:10-12”, 2 clear faces 13” and up, 1 clear face #3:10” and up, no clear faces

Export Saw Log Shipping

Shipped in 40-foot containers Average net weight per container-load; 26 metric tonnes Example: a forty-foot container could contain up to sixty 12-inch diameter logs Logs are typically 19.5 feet in length and loaded into the containers in two stacks All Logs can be debarked to < 5% Bark as required Coniferous logs are tested for insect or nematode All logs Are Phyto-certified meeting regulations

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Minimum OrderShipped in 40-foot containers • Average net weight per container-load
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Seller's Information
Company:Forest Waste International  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
Camas, WA
Contact:Russell Wegner
Phone: 415-716-4373
Please note this is a historical OTS that is no longer actively posted. To contact this seller, please call them directly.

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